This weeks subject
Any Lord of the Rings Character

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Week 43 - Golem by Rich Bernatovech

"This week's theme on :iconillustriousbits: is "any Lord of the Rings character". I almost didn't get this one done, but found time to do this quick sketch of my favorite character from the series, Gollum! You gotta love him! lol.

Gollum and Lord of the Rings created by J.R.R. Tolkien"

check out more here.

Week 42 - Goon by Randy Ostridge

"This image is for a weekly theme over at the Illustrious Bits sketch group.

The Goon is a book that is on my "to read" list this year. It's been on my radar even before the popular animated tests and Kickstarter project that was funded recently. I just love the designs in these books. Plus it's called "The Goon"; what better name than that!

Pencil on paper, inked with cool gray, warm gray, and black markers."

Goon (c) Eric Powell

check out more here.

Week 42 - Crusher by Rich Bernatovech

"This is the last of the core Sentinels team from :icondrumfishproductions: SENTINELS. I wanted to draw all of the main team using :iconlucianovecchio:'s revisioned designs and Crusher here is the finally one I had to do. I wanted to get him done in time for this week's theme on :iconillustriousbits: which was any Indy comicbook character. :)

Crusher © Drumfish Productions"

check out more here.

Week 42 - Midnight Tiger by Dwayne Biddix

"Digital art: Dwayne Biddix
Drawn for :iconillustriousbits: weekly challenge. The challenge was ANY Indie comic character and I thought I could do no better than to do a quick drawing of my friend :iconrayheight:'s amazing character Midnight Tiger. He recently had a successful Kickstarter and is currently working away on the first issue and I know it is going to be amazing. So be sure to check it out! And support Ray, he is one of the greatest guys in comics.


Midnight Tiger © Ray Anthony Height
Art © Dwayne Biddix"

check out more here.

Week 42 - Harlette by Rich Bernatovech

"The theme for week 42 over at :iconillustriousbits: is "any Independent Comic Book Character". I plan to do a few of these if I can, but thought I'd start it off doing one of the few remaining Sentinels members that I haven't done a headshot sketch of. Here is Harlette in her final costume look designed by :iconlucianovecchio:.

Harlette © Drumfish Productions"

Check out more here.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Week 41 - Aeon Flux by Joman Mercado

"Aeon flux for :iconillustriousbits: week 41 :D"

Aeon Flux created by Peter Chung

check out more here.

Week 41 - Aeon Flux by Rich Bernatovech

"This week's theme on :iconillustriousbits: is is Aeon Flux. I used to love the original animated series. The style was so bold and different and the movement of the characters was amazing. I considered drawing something with the infamous "fly in the eye" shot, but decided I wasn't quite feeling it. 

Aeon Flux created by Peter Chung"

check out more here.

Week 40 - Sue Storm by Jamie Fay

":icondalexisstpierre: and i were asked to do a Legacy piece for the Invisible Woman in her current Marvel Now! costume and the bust be her costume she wore during the Millar/Hitch run of the book.

lines/inks by me :iconjamiefayx:

colors to come by :icondalexisstpierre:

Invisible Woman © Marvel Comics"

check out more here.

Week 40 - Human Torch by Randy Ostridge

"This image is for a weekly theme over at the Illustrious Bits sketch group.

The theme was any member of the Fantastic Four. While I did read quite a bit of Avengers, X-Men, etc, I never really got into the Fantastic Four. I could never quite grasp their appeal. That said, they are definitely some of the most important characters in the Marvel Universe. So I took a stab at the Human Torch, in all his fiery glory. But I learned something very important while doing so; I have no business trying to paint flames.

All Photoshop."

Human Torch (c) Marvel Comics

Check out more here.

Week 40 - Fantastic Four by Rich Bernatovech

"Here's my subssion for this week's theme on the Fantastic Four for :iconillustriousbits:. I got this one done just in time too! 

Fantastic Four © Marvel Comics"

check out more here.

Week 40 - Fantastic Four Kids by Michelle Sciuto

"Valeria and Franklin Richards drawn and colored in Photoshop for :iconillustriousbits: 's Fantastic Four week."

Valeria and Franklin Richards (c) Marvel Comics

check out more here.

Week 40 - Invisible Woman by Dwayne Biddix

"Digital art: Dwayne Biddix
I know I have not been posting in some time but I have been working on my first issue of Crossed. So I was glad I had a bit of free time to do a quick drawing for :iconillustriousbits: draw challenge. This week was any member of the Fantastic 4 and I knew I had to do an Invisible Woman drawing. 



Invisible Woman and Fantastic 4 © Marvel Comics
Art © Dwayne Biddix"

check out more here.